Staff Demographics

The interactive dashboard for Staff Demographics is still under construction. In the meantime, here are snapshots of staff demographics, broken down by race, ethnicity and gender and specifically for T-scale.

Districtwide Staff Demographics

district wide staff snapshotA


As of November 18, 2022, Arlington Public Schools has a total of 4,738 staff members. 1,199 identify as males and 3,539 identify as female. The staff count by ethnicity shows 2,474 White, 1,072 Black or African American, 873 Hispanic, 281 Asian, 20 American Indian, 11 Two or more races, and 7 Native Hawaiian.

T-Scale Demographics 

data for t-scale--see text below


As of November 18, 2022, Arlington Public Schools has a total of 2,645 staff members on the T-Scale.  548 identify as males and 2,097 identify as female. The T -Scale staff count by ethnicity shows 1,951 White, 354 Black or African American, 225 Hispanic, 94 Asian, 8 American Indian, 8 Two or more races, and 5 Native Hawaiian.

Breakdown of T-Scale Positions

T-Scale Background and Qualifications

chart of T-scale experience demographics - see text for data

As of November 18, 2022, 41% of our teachers have 6-20 years of experience in APS, and 56% of our teachers total 6-20 years of general teaching experience. More than 2,000 teachers have a Master’s degree or higher.